ADA Monitored Family Visitation Services

Supervised Visitation

What is Monitored visitation?

The goals of the courts of the state of California is to protect the best interest of children. This includes their safety and their emotional well being.  Parents whom have a custody or visitation matter in family court are sometime ordered to have their time with their children monitored or supervised by a neutral third party, based on issues of protection and safety.  This is ordered by a judge and is often called “Supervised Visitation" or "Monitored Visitation". It is sometimes ordered to transition a child back to a parent who has been absent, to ease the child back into a parent / child relationship.

Supervised Visitation Services, Monitored Visitation Services, Court order supervision, ADA, Angela De Pass Albers, Orange County, sliding Scale, Supervised Visitation, Monitored Visitation

What do we do?

The job of the Professional Supervised Visitation/Exchange Monitor is to observe and documentthe behavior of the Custodial and Non-Custodial parents in their interactions with the child or children while participating in the process of supervised visitation/exchange. The monitor does not intervene unless there is a clear and present health and/or safety risk for the child. According to the governing code, "Health" includes "emotional, verbal, physical, or sexual abuse".  All documentation obtained by the monitor in the course of work with a family is provided to the Court for consideration when the family has a review hearing or mediation.

The Values of Family Visitation Services are confidential, honest and respectful for the parents using our services. These are values are worthy of a great consideration and we include these in directing our decisions and provide safety in our everyday visits.

ADA Monitored Family Agency has been trained through the Administrative Office of the Courts. The training was has been completed through Standard 5.20 and Family Code Section 3200.5 Training: Understanding the Uniform Standards of Practice for Providers of Supervised Visitation. All monitors are trained in CPR and First Aid and are screened by the California Justice Department (Live Scan or Trust Line). Are monitors have different backgrounds and training, and if you have other needs, please ask. Our agency is to assist and possibly fulfill your special needs or request.All monitors meet the 5.20 California Rules of the court guidelines required for the supervised visitations.