Supervised Visitation Services, Monitored Visitation Services, Court order supervision, ADA, Angela De Pass Albers, Orange County, sliding Scale, Supervised Visitation, Monitored Visitation

ADA Monitored Family Visitation Services

Dr. Angela De Pass - Albers

A Graduate of University of La Verne Dr. Angela De Pass - Albers has worked in the field of child safety for over 20 years. She has worked with public agencies, non-profit Children's homes and other institutions. 

Dr. De Pass – Albers possesses exemplary social skills. Children have an easy time warming up to her and feeling comfortable. Her experiences working at the Masonic Home in Covina and with the Department of Children and Family Services allows her training to work with a wide range of children, from those who have special needs to those who are blessed with extraordinary skills and abilities. 

She has been trained through the Administrative Office of the Courts. The training was has been completed through Standard 5.20 and Family Code Section 3200.5 Training: Understanding the Uniform Standards of Practice for Providers of Supervised Visitation. She meets all the 5.20 California Rules of the court guidelines required for the supervised visitations. 

She has been trained through the Administrative Office of the Courts. The training was has been completed through Standard 5.20 and Family Code Section 3200.5 Training: Understanding the Uniform Standards of Practice for Providers of Supervised Visitation. She meets all the 5.20 California Rules of the court guidelines required for the supervised visitations.